Why Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy?

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Why Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy?

These may prove to be auspicious in resolving your existential problems, accelerating you psycho-spiritual growth, and leading to a deep personal transformation and optimization of your lifestyle. Such change is best facilitated within a structured supportive psychotherapeutic milieu in connection with therapists who have a view of your issues, hopes, desires, and struggles.

As a biproduct of your experience, you may feel improvement in your emotional state and reduction in symptoms that bother you such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic manifestations. You may well notice that you are a bit different after a ketamine experience and that may well be liberating and allow for new mindfulness and new behavior and cognitions.

Your experience will be unique to you. If you and the therapist decide to have additional sessions using ketamine, each of your sessions will be different. All such journeys are adventures that cannot be programmed. They evolve from your own being, in relation to the substance. You and your therapist will work together to set intentions, you may or may not be able to hold onto that. Indeed, no holding on is best and the journey will flow whether you hold on and resist or follow the path that unfolds and relax into it. Holding on is the main source of anxiety in this and other related journeys. A ketamine session can be light, dark or both. There will be concepts, visions, encounters, and you may deal with your own death, mortality and immortality.

Not everyone enjoys the journey, but everyone comes through it.
The literature indicates a response rate to treatment resistant depression (using the low dose IV drip method, or the sublingual method) of 40-50%, the percentage of clients having remissions, this with multiple sessions. Relapses do occur and may require periodic additional sessions. Over time, a certain number of clients may become unresponsive to further ketamine sessions.

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